The retail giant at the time said the move was planned ahead of the union vote, but it nevertheless sent workers a clear message. 沃尔玛公司当时声称,此举在工会投票前就已经安排好了,但它还是向员工们传递了一个清晰的讯息。
The instrumentation mentioned will help you decide when and where to move message streams onto dedicated resources. 所提到的检测将帮助您决定何时以及在何处将消息流移动到专用资源上。
From there, we'll move into a more specific discussion of the Java Message Service ( JMS), J2EE's messaging package. 然后,我们将针对Java消息服务(JavaMessageService,JMS)和J2EE的消息传递包展开更具体的讨论。
When using the Message Flow Statistics, you can double-click within the table to move from the Broker selection to the execution selection and finally to the message flow selection. 当使用MessageFlowStatistics时,您可以在表格中双击,从Broker选项移到执行选项、最后移到消息流选项。
The simplest way to move them into the proper position is by message reordering. 将它们移到合适位置最简单的方法是通过消息的重新安排。
As you classify the items, move them from either the LowScore or LowerScore folder to the folder corresponding to the category most relevant for the message. 分类这些项时,将它们从LowScore或LowerScore文件夹移动到与消息最相关的类别文件夹中。
Otherwise, move on to validate the email address, insert the new-user data into the database, and return a success message. 否则,继续验证email地址,将新用户数据库插入数据库,然后返回一个成功消息。
Move beyond Caller ID and identify who left you a message, not just what number they called from. 超越来电显示功能,识别给您留言的人是谁,而不仅仅是显示来电号码。
If you see disk contention when using SIB persistent messaging and want to move the message store to a different, possibly faster disk location, follow the instructions here 如果在使用SIB持久化消息传递时发现磁盘资源争用现象,并希望将消息存储库迁移到更快的远程磁盘驱动器,请遵循以下说明
It includes an example of the XML response that notifies the Message Sender that a message was successfully processed and causes the Message Sender to move the message onto the success queue. 它包含一个XML响应的示例,该响应通知MessageSender成功创建了一条消息,并导致MessageSender将该消息移动到成功队列中。
Channels move messages either into or out of the message bus. 通道将消息移入或移出消息总线。
The Message Sender will then await acknowledgement a confirmation or rejection from the external system to decide if it will move the message onto the success or reject queue. MessageSender会等待回执(来自外部系统的确认或拒绝),以决定将消息移动到成功队列还是拒绝队列中。
As the "laptop" and "desktop" systems move to inactive states, you'll see a pop-up message on the control node showing you which person to give the Kermit guilt trip(" It's not easy being green"). 当“笔记本”系统和“桌面型”系统转为非活动状态时,您将在控制节点上看到一条弹出消息,向您说明是哪些人让这些计算机处于非活动状态。
You can move it around, but wherever it is, you should see a message stating "No work item query defined" yet. 您可以将它们移动,但是不管移到什么,您都可以看到一起信息说“没有定义工作项查询”。
Move your mouse over the icon and you'll see the message Required field. 将鼠标移动到图标上方,您将看到消息Requiredfield。
You then move the actual sending of the mail outside this loop, instead building a string of text to add to the body of the message. 随后我们将邮件的实际发送移动到循环体外面,而在循环体中构建一个要添加到消息体的文本字符串。
People now swarm the paintings, step on anyone to get to them, push, shove, snap a photo, and move quickly on without looking at the painting, she wrote in an email message. 人们现在挤到所有绘画周围,不管踩着什么人都要往前挤,推推搡搡,拍一张照片,赶紧往前走,看都没看画作一眼,她在电子邮件中说。
The move towards legislation comes against a dramatic rise in the bullying of teachers over the Internet or by text message which is seeing schools increasingly end up in court. 这种立法努力是在这样的背景下出现的:由于通过互联网或短信息恐吓教师的案例激增,学校越来越频繁地上法庭打官司。
For example, if you want to move a message to a folder, you must specify the name of the folder. 例如,如果要将邮件移动到某个文件夹,则必须指定该文件夹的名称。
If the sent spam message uses real text, the outlook junk e-mail filter will very likely move the message to the junk e-mail folder. 如果发送的垃圾邮件使用真实的文本,outlook垃圾邮件筛选将极有可能会将其移到“垃圾邮件”文件夹中。
If you try to move too quickly you will send the wrong message and the person you desire running in the other direction. 如果你过于性急,可能会发出错误信息,让对方走向反方向。
If the command finds a message with a recipient that is the same as the recipient keyword that you specified, it will move the message. 如果此命令找到收件人与指定收件人关键字相同的邮件,则该命令将移动此邮件。
When viewing messages in the preview pane, you can press tab to move between the message list, the preview pane, and the folder or newsgroup list. 查阅预览窗格中的邮件时,您可以使用tab键在邮件列表、预览窗格以及文件夹或新闻组列表之间移动。
If you select some text and then move to a different part of the message, you can jump back to the selected text. 如果选择了某些文本,然后移动到邮件的其他部分,则可以跳回到选定的文本处。
Move to message delivery starting from global settings. 从“全局设置”开始,移动到“邮件传递”。
If mail is set up to move deleted messages to a mailbox, select that mailbox and drag the message you want to save into another mailbox. 如果将mail设置为将被删除邮件移动到某个邮箱,请选择该邮箱,然后将要存储的邮件拖移到另一个邮箱。
While playing back the message, press folder to flash the indication of the folder to which you want to move the message. 播放讯息的同时按下folder使要接收移动讯息的文件夹指示器闪烁。
Users only need to move through the IE browser to access information machine short message platform interface, you can do all kinds of application. 用户只需通过IE浏览器访问移动信息机短信平台界面,就可以完成各类应用操作。